
Reminder to all exhibitors, that Biosecurity Rules need to be followed to exhibit at the Gatton Show.

Anyone bringing hay, straw, chaff, silage or potted plants from Queensland Fire Ant Zones to the Gatton Showgrounds must comply with the current Queensland Fire ant movement requirements.

Anyone located inside the fire ant biosecurity zones and dealing with materials that can carry fire ants must follow their general biosecurity obligation by:

- Checking the fire ant biosecurity zones before moving materials off-site.

- Using fire ant-safe practices when handling, storing, and moving materials.

Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors for their ongoing support. Without your generosity, we wouldn’t be able to put on our show each year!

Please see the 2025 Sponsorship Package pdf linked below with all information regarding sponsoring opportunities for our 2025 show. If you would like to sponsor, please use the online 2025 Sponsorship Application form below. The online form is our preferred method for sponsorship, however if you wish to complete a paper form, this is attached to the 2025 Sponsorship Package below. 


For any sponsorship questions or difficulty completing the online form, please enquire through email to secretary@gattonshowsociety.com.au

ABS Genetics
AFTER (Assoc. for Trotters Exiting Racing)
A.G. Fitzgerald Memorial
Ag Solutions
Agricultural Requirements
All Property Real Estate Gatton
Alta Genetics
ATV Mechanical Pty Ltd
Australian Pony Promotions Group
Austwest Seeds
Barden Produce
BEC Feed Solutions
Bendigo Bank
Betta Electrical Home Living
Big Orange Fruit Stall
Bill Hallas Auctioneer
Blackmore, Mrs N
Blair, M                                                                                Bluebreeze Fruit & Veg
Bonanza Wrecking
Boral Concrete and Quarries
Brake and Clutch Supplies
Brophy, Mrs. Gwendolyn
Binstead, Mrs. Helene
Caltex Energy Qld
Carramar Dairy Goats
Chilcott, G & G
Clark Town Planning
Cole, Mrs. Betty
Combat Simulation Systems
Cooper, Ms B
Cottone’s Café/Restaurant/Bar
Croziers Electrical Pty Ltd
Cube Computers
Dairy Australia
Dairy Express
Dairy Farmers Milk Co-Op
Dairy Livestock Services – Brian Lesley
Dallinger Family
Dave Neuendorf – Lockyer Trophies
Davis, L. E. & P.
Des Teis Produce
Discount Adult Zone
Dow AgroSciences Australia
Dundula, Pickwil & Mya-Ora Studs
Dyno Noble
E.M. Redmonds & Co Gatton
Edwards, John
Edwards, Keith and Julene
Emmjay’s Hair Studio
Evans, V.M. (Balcara Droughtmaster Stud)
Excellence Academy Miniature Horse Stud
Faith Lutheran College
Farmcraft – Lowood
Farmers Breeding Services
Feldhahn Family
Ferdinand, Mrs. E
Friis, Jim
Finch Farm
Fitzgerald Family
Francisco, L & B
The Fox Family
Gatton Auto Electrical                                                        Gatton Auto                                                              Gatton Barber Shop 
Gatton COTA Seniors                                        
Gatton Feather Club Inc
Gatton Home Brew, Camping & Fishing Supplies
Gatton Meat Centre
Gatton Plaza Discount Drug Store
Gatton Plaza News
Gatton Pony Club
Gav’s Glass – Fernvale
Genetics Australia

Glenore Grove Store
Global Rainwater Tanks
Golding, Jim and Nola
Gordon Bourke Constructions
Gray’s Furniture
Greg Logan Memorial
Guardian Pharmacy (Gatton)
Hair with Soul
Hall, Isabella Lee
Hall, Ms K
Haultec Engineering
Hay, Greg and Trudy
Heise, Nola
Heritage Bank Gatton
Heritage Seeds
Hibank Haulage
Higgins, Col and Sylvia
Hoger, J
Hohenhaus, R & M
Home Hardware Withcott
Hutchinson Builders
International Animal Health
IPDM-Strategic Solutions
Jack Cork Memorial
Jak&Mo                                                                                Janke’s Electrical                                                         Jefo
Jono’s Electrical & Data
Joseph, Mrs. Elsa.
Joseph, Mrs. Ann                                                                Kambu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health 
K & R Plumbing Supplies Gatton
Kemp, Mrs. Helen
Kuhrt, R J
Knight, Brett
L & E Wendt Electrical
Lachlan Manuel Equine Transport
Laidley Art Society
Enterprise Ice Cream
Kandy Korner
Laidley Garden Club
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Langbecker, K & L
Langfield Lodge
Lilydale Charolais
Limestone Dental Group
Lindsay Rural
Lion Dairy and Drinks
Lion, Nathan
Lipizzener Association of Australasia
Lipp, Judy
Lockyer Cut Flowers
Lockyer Electrical and Air Conditioning
Lockyer Farm Machinery
Lockyer Landcare
Lockyer Landscaping
Lockyer Mowers and Motor Cycles
Lockyer Produce
Lockyer Sheds
Lockyer Valley Sharpening
Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Lockyer Valley Security Services
Logan, A. & P.
Logan, Troy & Kim
M. Janke Memorial
Matt Kammholz Contracting
Master Hire Gatton
Maxine’s Mainly Roses
McColm, G
McCormack Industries
McLellan, Ms C
McNamara, Mr. K
Maroske, Mick
Moondah Browbands
National Australia Bank
Natural Alternative
Neat’s Nails and Beauty
Neil’s Parts Australia
News Express
Nolan’s Transport

Norco Rural
O’Keefe Earthmoving
Overton/Wilson Families
Pacific Seeds
Pinnacle Peak Walers
Pinto Horse Ponies Assoc.
Plainlands Hardware & Rural
Pollock Farms
Quickstart Seedlings
R & F Steel Buildings
Rabar Pty Ltd
Raymont Family
Raymont, Mrs. A.L.
Raymont, Miss K
Raymont, Mr. Philip
RC’s Café Bakery
Reck Farms
Reg Collins & Sons
Remi Stud
Richmond Dairies
Rickuss, I
Ridley, Grant
River 94.9 FM
River Downs Equestrian
Riverina Stock Feeds
Russell & Sons
Scott, Peter
Serco-Southern Qld Correctional Centre
SEQ Guernsey Sub-Branch
SEQ Illawarra Cattle Club
SEQ Jersey Club
Shoe Collection
Sunny Springs and Rocky Ponds Drought Master Stud
South Pacific Seeds
Southern Cross Militaria Pty Ltd
Stan Ruthenburg Memorial
Stanbroke Beef Pty. Ltd
Statewide Transit Homes
Steinhardt, Miss A.
Steinhardt, B & R
Steinhardt, Mr. J (Mirrakar Droughtmasters)
Superior Irrigation
Teese, Louise
The Royal Gatton
Thwaites, P & C
Tilling, Jason
Tim O’Keefe Mechanical
Toll Helidon
Tom Wegner Memorial
Toowoomba Orthopedic.com.au
Tout Family (Currajong Angus Stud)
Trebbin, G & R
Trenching Systems Australia
Triple C Friesians
The Lockyer Doctors
University of Qld, Gatton Campus
Valley Livestock Services
Vanderfield Machinery
Voss Transport
P. Webster Optometrist
Warrego Nursery
Westerham Concrete Products
WestVETS Animal Hospitals
Wholesale Probiotics
Windolf Farms
Withcott Garden Nursery & Landscaping
Withcott Hotel
Withcott Produce
Withcott Seedlings
Worldwide Sires
Wyn Trost

A big thank you to our Sponsors!